About Me

I’m currently Progressive Master’s student in the Quantitative and Computational Biology Department at the University of Southern California. I frequent the Viterbi School of Engineering for my computer science coursework in conjunction with upper-level bioinformatics coursework at the Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences.


I currenlty work at the Rohs Lab in the Quantitative & Computational Biology department. I am a contributor to an ongoing project in the visualization of RNA-protein complexes.

I was previously a Data Science Researcher involved in the Predicting What We Breathe project funded by a NASA grant for Advanced Information Systems and Technology. My work focussed on leveraging city-wide low-cost sensor data and state of the art machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches to construct the first Digital Twin City of Los Angeles. Building the first DTC of the city can glean valuable insights into the factors causing air pollution in the city, giving way for evidence-based policymaking and governance to ameliorate the iminent health, economic and environmental threats of deteriorating air quality.

I have previously conducted multiple research projects on cardiovascular computed tomography (CT) at The Lundquist Institute for Biomedical Innovation affiliated with Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. I have also investigated the diagnostic value of core needle biopsies and rare cryptococcal infections at the UCI Department of Pathology and Microbiology.

Contact Info

I would love to connect on LinkedIn and potentially collaborate on AI/ML and bioinformatics projects. You can also reach out to me via email: hirad [at] presumably [fullstop] net.